Gradle Cheat Sheet (1): Groovy Fundamentals

  本系列整理自UdacityGradle for Android and Java课程(国内需访问中文版用Gradle构建Android和Java),旨在提供一份快速参考手册,以便查用。

0. Gradle与Groovy

  Gradle编译脚本是基于Groovy编写的。Groovy是一个运行于JVM的脚本语言,支持DSL(Domain Specific Languages),具有很高的可读性。


task groovy << {}
task groovy << {}
task groovy << {}


$ gradle groovy
$ gradle groovy
$ gradle groovy

1. Hello Groovy!


println "Hello Groovy!"
println "Hello Groovy!"
println "Hello Groovy!"

2. 使用Java


class JavaGreeter {
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("Hello Java!");
JavaGreeter greeter = new JavaGreeter()
class JavaGreeter { public void sayHello() { System.out.println("Hello Java!"); } } JavaGreeter greeter = new JavaGreeter() greeter.sayHello()
class JavaGreeter {
    public void sayHello() {
        System.out.println("Hello Java!");
JavaGreeter greeter = new JavaGreeter()

3. 动态类型


def foo = 6.5
def foo = 6.5
def foo = 6.5

  在字符串中,可以通过在变量名前加$ 来插入变量的值:

println "foo has value: $foo"
println "foo has value: $foo"
println "foo has value: $foo"


foo has value: 6.5
foo has value: 6.5
foo has value: 6.5

  可以在$ 后的大括号里插入Groovy代码:

println "Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = ${5 + 6}"
println "Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = ${5 + 6}"
println "Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = ${5 + 6}"


Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = 11
Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = 11
Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = 11


println "foo is of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"
foo = "a string"
println "foo is now of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"
println "foo is of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo" foo = "a string" println "foo is now of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"
println "foo is of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"
foo = "a string"
println "foo is now of type: ${foo.class} and has value: $foo"


foo is of type: class java.math.BigDecimal and has value: 6.5
foo is now of type: class java.lang.String and has value: a string
foo is of type: class java.math.BigDecimal and has value: 6.5 foo is now of type: class java.lang.String and has value: a string
foo is of type: class java.math.BigDecimal and has value: 6.5
foo is now of type: class java.lang.String and has value: a string

4. 函数的定义


def doubleIt(n) {
n + n // Note we don't need a return statement
def doubleIt(n) { n + n // Note we don't need a return statement }
def doubleIt(n) {
    n + n // Note we don't need a return statement


5. 函数的调用


foo = 5
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"
foo = 5 println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"
foo = 5
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"


doubleIt(5) = 10
doubleIt(5) = 10
doubleIt(5) = 10

  由于字符串类型重载了加号运算符用于拼接字符串,也可以把字符串作为参数传递给doubleIt :

foo = "foobar"
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"
foo = "foobar" println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"
foo = "foobar"
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"


doubleIt(foobar) = foobarfoobar
doubleIt(foobar) = foobarfoobar
doubleIt(foobar) = foobarfoobar


def noArgs() {
println "Called the no args function"
def oneArg(x) {
println "Called the 1 arg function with $x"
def twoArgs(x, y) {
println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y"
x + y
def noArgs() { println "Called the no args function" } def oneArg(x) { println "Called the 1 arg function with $x" x } def twoArgs(x, y) { println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y" x + y }
def noArgs() {
    println "Called the no args function"

def oneArg(x) {
    println "Called the 1 arg function with $x"

def twoArgs(x, y) {
    println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y"
    x + y

  调用oneArg 和twoArgs 都可以省略参数括号:

oneArg 500 // Look, Ma! No parentheses!
twoArgs 200, 300
oneArg 500 // Look, Ma! No parentheses! twoArgs 200, 300
oneArg 500 // Look, Ma! No parentheses!
twoArgs 200, 300


Called the 1 arg function with 500
Called the 2 arg function with 200 and 300
Called the 1 arg function with 500 Called the 2 arg function with 200 and 300
Called the 1 arg function with 500
Called the 2 arg function with 200 and 300

  noArgs 没有参数,调用它的时候必须带括号:



Called the no args function
Called the no args function
Called the no args function


twoArgs oneArg 500, 200
twoArgs oneArg 500, 200
twoArgs oneArg 500, 200


build file 'XXX': 147: expecting EOF, found ',' @ line 147, column 19.
twoArgs oneArg 500, 200 // Also doesn't work as it's ambiguous
build file 'XXX': 147: expecting EOF, found ',' @ line 147, column 19. twoArgs oneArg 500, 200 // Also doesn't work as it's ambiguous ^
build file 'XXX': 147: expecting EOF, found ',' @ line 147, column 19.
twoArgs oneArg 500, 200 // Also doesn't work as it's ambiguous


twoArgs oneArg(500), 200
twoArgs oneArg(500), 200
twoArgs oneArg(500), 200


Called the 1 arg function with 500
Called the 2 arg function with 500 and 200
Called the 1 arg function with 500 Called the 2 arg function with 500 and 200
Called the 1 arg function with 500
Called the 2 arg function with 500 and 200

