OCA/OCP Java Note (9): Class Design (1)

1. Introducing Class Inheritance

1.1. Applying Class Access Modifiers


1.2. Defining Constructors

1.2.1. Understanding Compiler Enhancements

  可以在子类的构造器中通过super() 显式地调用父类的构造器。如果使用super() ,super() 就必须出现子类造器的在第一行。如果没有使用super() ,编译器会自动在子类构造器开头插入对父类无参数构造器的调用。


public class Donkey {
public class Donkey {
public Donkey() {
public class Donkey {
public Donkey() {
public class Donkey { } public class Donkey { public Donkey() { } } public class Donkey { public Donkey() { super(); } }
public class Donkey {

public class Donkey {
    public Donkey() {
public class Donkey {
    public Donkey() {





public class Mammal {
public Mammal(int age) {
public class Elephant extends Mammal { // DOES NOT COMPILE
public class Mammal { public Mammal(int age) { } } public class Elephant extends Mammal { // DOES NOT COMPILE }
public class Mammal {
    public Mammal(int age) {
public class Elephant extends Mammal {  // DOES NOT COMPILE

public class Elephant extends Mammal {
public Elephant() { // DOES NOT COMPILE
public class Elephant extends Mammal { public Elephant() { // DOES NOT COMPILE } }
public class Elephant extends Mammal {
    public Elephant() {  // DOES NOT COMPILE

public class Elephant extends Mammal {
public Elephant() {
public class Elephant extends Mammal { public Elephant() { super(10); } }
public class Elephant extends Mammal {
    public Elephant() {

1.2.2. Reviewing Constructor Rules


  1. 构造器的第一条语句是使用this()调用同类的其他构造器,或者使用super()调用直接父类的构造器。
  2. super()不能在构造器的第一条语句之后使用。
  3. 如果在构造器中没有使用super(),则Java会在构造器第一行插入一个没有参数的super()。
  4. 如果父类没有无参构造器,而子类又没有定义构造器,则编译器会抛出错误。
  5. 如果父类没有无参构造器,编译器要求子类的所有构造器都显式地调用父类的构造器。

1.3. Inheriting Methods

1.3.1. Overriding a Method


  1. 子类的方法必须与父类的方法具有相同的名称和签名。
  2. 子类的方法必须与父类的方法具有相同或更广的访问级别。
  3. 子类的方法不能抛出新的或比父类方法更广的检查异常(checked exception)。
  4. 如果方法有返回值,子类方法返回值的类型必须与父类相同,或者是父类方法返回类型的子类,即协变返回类型(covariant return types)。


public class InsufficientDataException extends Exception {}
public class Reptile {
protected boolean hasLegs() throws InsufficientDataException {
throw new InsufficientDataException();
protected double getWeight() throws Exception {
return 2;
public class Snake extends Reptile {
protected boolean hasLegs() {
return false;
protected double getWeight() throws InsufficientDataException{
return 2;
public class InsufficientDataException extends Exception {} public class Reptile { protected boolean hasLegs() throws InsufficientDataException { throw new InsufficientDataException(); } protected double getWeight() throws Exception { return 2; } } public class Snake extends Reptile { protected boolean hasLegs() { return false; } protected double getWeight() throws InsufficientDataException{ return 2; } }
public class InsufficientDataException extends Exception {}
public class Reptile {
    protected boolean hasLegs() throws InsufficientDataException {
        throw new InsufficientDataException();
    protected double getWeight() throws Exception {
        return 2;
public class Snake extends Reptile {
    protected boolean hasLegs() {
        return false;
    protected double getWeight() throws InsufficientDataException{
        return 2;

Snake相比于父类Reptile,hasLegs() 没有抛出异常,getWeight() 抛出的异常是父类方法抛出异常的子类,代码可以正常编译。对于子类的重写方法,可以抛出比父类更少或范围更窄的异常,因为子类的方法可能已经对异常进行了处理。

1.3.2. Redeclaring private Methods



public class Camel {
private String getNumberOfHumps() {
return "Undefined";
public class BactrianCamel extends Camel {
private int getNumberOfHumps() { // 不属于方法重写
return 2;
public class Camel { private String getNumberOfHumps() { return "Undefined"; } } public class BactrianCamel extends Camel { private int getNumberOfHumps() { // 不属于方法重写 return 2; } }
public class Camel {
    private String getNumberOfHumps() {
        return "Undefined";
public class BactrianCamel extends Camel {
    private int getNumberOfHumps() {  // 不属于方法重写
        return 2;

BactrianCamel中的getNumberOfHumps() 返回值类型与父类同名方法不一致,代码可以编译,因为父类的getNumberOfHumps() 是private,子类无法访问,子类的getNumberOfHumps() 不属于方法重写。

1.3.3. Hiding Static Methods



public class Bear {
public static void sneeze() {
System.out.println("Bear is sneezing");
public void hibernate() {
System.out.println("Bear is hibernating");
public class Panda extends Bear {
public void sneeze() { // DOES NOT COMPILE
System.out.println("Panda bear sneezes quietly");
public static void hibernate() { // DOES NOT COMPILE
System.out.println("Panda bear is going to sleep");
public class Bear { public static void sneeze() { System.out.println("Bear is sneezing"); } public void hibernate() { System.out.println("Bear is hibernating"); } } public class Panda extends Bear { public void sneeze() { // DOES NOT COMPILE System.out.println("Panda bear sneezes quietly"); } public static void hibernate() { // DOES NOT COMPILE System.out.println("Panda bear is going to sleep"); } }
public class Bear {
    public static void sneeze() {
        System.out.println("Bear is sneezing");
    public void hibernate() {
        System.out.println("Bear is hibernating");
public class Panda extends Bear {
    public void sneeze() {            // DOES NOT COMPILE
        System.out.println("Panda bear sneezes quietly");
    public static void hibernate() {  // DOES NOT COMPILE
        System.out.println("Panda bear is going to sleep");

第11行无法编译,因为父类的sneeze() 是static,故子类的sneeze() 也必须是static;第11行无法编译,因为父类的hibernate() 不是static,故子类的hibernate() 也不能是static。

1.3.4. Overriding vs. Hiding Methods

eg. 下面的例子中,子类重写了isBiped() :

class Marsupial {
public boolean isBiped() {
return false;
public void getMarsupialDescription() {
System.out.println("Marsupial walks on two legs: "+isBiped());
public class Kangaroo extends Marsupial {
public boolean isBiped() {
return true;
public void getKangarooDescription() {
System.out.println("Kangaroo hops on two legs: "+isBiped());
public static void main(String[] args) {
Kangaroo joey = new Kangaroo();
class Marsupial { public boolean isBiped() { return false; } public void getMarsupialDescription() { System.out.println("Marsupial walks on two legs: "+isBiped()); } } public class Kangaroo extends Marsupial { public boolean isBiped() { return true; } public void getKangarooDescription() { System.out.println("Kangaroo hops on two legs: "+isBiped()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Kangaroo joey = new Kangaroo(); joey.getMarsupialDescription(); joey.getKangarooDescription(); } }
class Marsupial {
    public boolean isBiped() {
        return false;
    public void getMarsupialDescription() {
        System.out.println("Marsupial walks on two legs: "+isBiped());
public class Kangaroo extends Marsupial {
    public boolean isBiped() {
        return true;
    public void getKangarooDescription() {
        System.out.println("Kangaroo hops on two legs: "+isBiped());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Kangaroo joey = new Kangaroo();

Marsupial walks on two legs: true
Kangaroo hops on two legs: true
Marsupial walks on two legs: true Kangaroo hops on two legs: true
Marsupial walks on two legs: true
Kangaroo hops on two legs: true

因为子类重写了isBiped() ,joey.getMarsupialDescription() 在继承自父类的方法中调用了子类重写的isBiped() 。

eg. 下面的例子中,子类隐藏了isBiped() :

public class Marsupial {
public static boolean isBiped() {
return false;
public void getMarsupialDescription() {
System.out.println("Marsupial walks on two legs: "+isBiped());
public class Kangaroo extends Marsupial {
public static boolean isBiped() {
return true;
public void getKangarooDescription() {
System.out.println("Kangaroo hops on two legs: "+isBiped());
public static void main(String[] args) {
Kangaroo joey = new Kangaroo();
public class Marsupial { public static boolean isBiped() { return false; } public void getMarsupialDescription() { System.out.println("Marsupial walks on two legs: "+isBiped()); } } public class Kangaroo extends Marsupial { public static boolean isBiped() { return true; } public void getKangarooDescription() { System.out.println("Kangaroo hops on two legs: "+isBiped()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Kangaroo joey = new Kangaroo(); joey.getMarsupialDescription(); joey.getKangarooDescription(); } }
public class Marsupial {
    public static boolean isBiped() {
        return false;
    public void getMarsupialDescription() {
        System.out.println("Marsupial walks on two legs: "+isBiped());
public class Kangaroo extends Marsupial {
    public static boolean isBiped() {
        return true;
    public void getKangarooDescription() {
        System.out.println("Kangaroo hops on two legs: "+isBiped());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Kangaroo joey = new Kangaroo();

Marsupial walks on two legs: false
Kangaroo hops on two legs: true
Marsupial walks on two legs: false Kangaroo hops on two legs: true
Marsupial walks on two legs: false
Kangaroo hops on two legs: true

子类隐藏了isBiped() ,joey.getMarsupialDescription() 在子类实例上调用继承自父类的方法,其中调用的是父类自己的isBiped() 。

1.3.5. Creating final methods


1.4. Inheriting Variables

1.4.1. Hiding Variables



public class Rodent {
protected int tailLength = 4;
public void getRodentDetails() {
public class Mouse extends Rodent {
protected int tailLength = 8;
public void getMouseDetails() {
System.out.println("[tail="+tailLength +",parentTail="+super.tailLength+"]");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Mouse mouse = new Mouse();
public class Rodent { protected int tailLength = 4; public void getRodentDetails() { System.out.println("[parentTail="+tailLength+"]"); } } public class Mouse extends Rodent { protected int tailLength = 8; public void getMouseDetails() { System.out.println("[tail="+tailLength +",parentTail="+super.tailLength+"]"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Mouse mouse = new Mouse(); mouse.getRodentDetails(); mouse.getMouseDetails(); } }
public class Rodent {
    protected int tailLength = 4;
    public void getRodentDetails() {
public class Mouse extends Rodent {
    protected int tailLength = 8;
    public void getMouseDetails() {
        System.out.println("[tail="+tailLength +",parentTail="+super.tailLength+"]");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Mouse mouse = new Mouse();

[parentTail=4] [tail=8,parentTail=4]

2. Creating Abstract Classes

2.1. Defining an Abstract Class



public class Chicken {
public abstract void peck(); // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract class Turtle {
public abstract void swim() {} // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract int getAge() { // DOES NOT COMPILE
return 10;
public class Chicken { public abstract void peck(); // DOES NOT COMPILE } public abstract class Turtle { public abstract void swim() {} // DOES NOT COMPILE public abstract int getAge() { // DOES NOT COMPILE return 10; } }
public class Chicken {
    public abstract void peck();    // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract class Turtle {
    public abstract void swim() {}  // DOES NOT COMPILE
    public abstract int getAge() {  // DOES NOT COMPILE
        return 10;




public final abstract class Tortoise { // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract class Goat {
public abstract final void chew(); // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract class Whale {
private abstract void sing(); // DOES NOT COMPILE
public final abstract class Tortoise { // DOES NOT COMPILE } public abstract class Goat { public abstract final void chew(); // DOES NOT COMPILE } public abstract class Whale { private abstract void sing(); // DOES NOT COMPILE }
public final abstract class Tortoise {  // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract class Goat {
    public abstract final void chew();  // DOES NOT COMPILE
public abstract class Whale {
    private abstract void sing();       // DOES NOT COMPILE



public abstract class Whale {
protected abstract void sing();
public class HumpbackWhale extends Whale {
private void sing() { // DOES NOT COMPILE
System.out.println("Humpback whale is singing");
public abstract class Whale { protected abstract void sing(); } public class HumpbackWhale extends Whale { private void sing() { // DOES NOT COMPILE System.out.println("Humpback whale is singing"); } }
public abstract class Whale {
    protected abstract void sing();
public class HumpbackWhale extends Whale {
    private void sing() {  // DOES NOT COMPILE
        System.out.println("Humpback whale is singing");

2.2. Creating a Concrete Class


2.3. Extending an Abstract Class


2.4. Abstract Class Definition Rules:

  1. 抽象类不直接实例化。
  2. 抽象类中可以定义零个或多个的抽象或非抽象方法。
  3. 抽象类不能标记为private或final。
  4. 一个抽象类继承了另一个抽象类,则该抽象子类继承了父类的所有抽象方法,作为其自己的抽象方法。
  5. 抽象类的直接具体子类必须实现其继承的抽象方法。

2.5. Abstract Method Definition Rules

  1. 抽象方法只能在抽象类中定义。
  2. 抽象方法不能标记为private或final。
  3. 在抽象类中,不能对所定义的抽象方法提供实现。
  4. 在子类中实现抽象方法,遵守方法重写的规则,如方法名称和签名须一致,不能使用更严格的访问限制等。