URAL 1225. Flags

1. 题目


1225. Flags

Time limit: 1.0 second
Memory limit: 64 MB

On the Day of the Flag of Russia a shop-owner decided to decorate the show-window of his shop with textile stripes of white, blue and red colors. He wants to satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Stripes of the same color cannot be placed next to each other.
  2. A blue stripe must always be placed between a white and a red or between a red and a white one.
Determine the number of the ways to fulfill his wish.
Example. For N = 3 result is following:
Problem illustration


N, the number of the stripes, 1 ≤ N ≤ 45.


M, the number of the ways to decorate the shop-window.


input output
Problem Source: 2002-2003 ACM Central Region of Russia Quarterfinal Programming Contest, Rybinsk, October 2002

2. 思路



  • i = 1时,旗子只有一个彩条,只能使用红色或白色,cnt[1] = 2;
  • i = 2时,旗子有两个彩条,只能使用红色+白色,或者白色+红色,cnt[2] = 2;
  • i >= 3时:
    • 首先考虑在cnt[i – 1]的基础上追加一个彩条所能形成的旗子数量。cnt[i – 1]表示使用i – 1个彩条所能形成的旗子数量,这些旗子中,最后一个彩条(第i – 1个彩条)只能是红色或白色:如果第i – 1个彩条是红色,则追加白色彩条;如果第i – 1个彩条是白色,则追加红色彩条。这样就有了cnt[i – 1]种使用i个彩条的旗子。
    • 然后考虑在cnt[i – 2]的基础上追加两个彩条所能形成的旗子数量。cnt[i – 2]表示使用i – 2个彩条所能形成的旗子数量,这些旗子中,最后一个彩条(第i – 2个彩条)只能是红色或白色:如果第i – 2个彩条是红色,追加蓝+白两个彩条;如果第i – 2个彩条是白色,则追加蓝+红的两个彩条。这样就有了cnt[i – 2]种使用i个彩条的旗子。追加白+白、红+红违反题目条件,追加白+红、红+白与上面重复。


cnt[1] = 2,
cnt[2] = 2,
cnt[i] = cnt[i - 1] + cnt[i - 2], i >= 3.

3. 代码

注意这里使用了long long int来计数,否则会溢出。

#include <cstdio>

const int MAX_N = 46;

void solveE6e_Flags();

int main() {

long long int cnt[MAX_N];
void solveE6e_Flags() {
    int n;
    scanf("%d", &n);
    cnt[1] = cnt[2] = 2;
    for (int i = 3; i <= n; ++i)
    cnt[i] = cnt[i - 1] + cnt[i - 2];
    printf("%lld\n", cnt[n]);